From threading new pipe to rebuilding drill steel; L&H Industrial’s hollowbore facility services truckloads of pipe that is dropped off each day. The facility holds welding and machining operations for pipe services and also houses a new state of the art CNC machine. As the hollowbore operations have become busier than ever in the past few years, L&H decided it was time to upgrade the facility in an effort to create a safer and more efficient work environment for employees and optimize throughput of jobs in production.

New facility increases safety and efficiency for employees
The expanded facility will add an additional 11,500 square feet of space to the existing operations as well as two large 16×18 overhead doors and a new pipe rack designed for accessibility to pipe being prepared for rebuild and repair. Additionally, tandem cranes will be installed in place of the current single hook 5-ton crane. The new double 10-ton bridges will each have 2 5-ton hooks on each bridge, allowing for 4 total pick points and ease of operations from loading and unloading pipe to loading machines.
Brett Montey, hollowbore machinist explained, “Currently, it takes about 7 minutes to run our 5-ton crane up and down the pipe rack; our new “VFD drive” crane will be twice as fast and really make a difference in our throughput.” Montey added, “We will also be able to devote one crane to loading and unloading trucks onto the rack and the other to supporting our machines; having two separate cranes will allow for multiple operations simultaneously.” Montey is looking forward to the expanded facility and improved environment for his job as a machinist in the hollowbore.

A safe and efficient work environment for employees was important to L&H. Jason Percifield, General Manager, described the need to improve working conditions for employees, especially removing them from the elements.
“This expansion is because we insist the safety of our employees is the company’s top priority, and we believe we can make this facility safer. Pipe will no long have to be loaded and unloaded outside and employees can enjoy a more comfortable environment in and enclosed facility that allows trucks to drive through a bay and unload; this will make a huge difference in working conditions, especially in the middle of winter,”
added Percifield.
The expanded facility is estimated to begin in August or September; once finished, the newly expanded operation is expected to increase efficiency by 20%.